Jack Torrance moved with his wife and seven year old son to the impressive Overlook Hotel in Colorado to take over the maintenance of facilities during the winter season, when they closed and isolated by the snow. His goal is to find peace and quiet to write a novel. However, shortly after his arrival, while Jackbegins to suffer disturbing personality disorders, begin to produce strange and spooky paranormal phenomena.
Facts about this film:
- Popularized the use of the Steadicam (a device that allows you to move without the camera shake).
- In the famous scene of river of blood falling from the elevator doors (known as The River of Blood) you can see a strange object falling near the blood and remains at the entrance of the elevator while the blood continues to fall and flooding the place, it has been several explanations could be a body or a person who just fell off the elevator because of the blood (the latter is unlikely). Only the team knows that Stanley Kubrick filmed that scene repeatedly and that object could have been placed there intentionally.
- Furthermore, it is unknown exactly what that scene is the elevator doors, but could represent the face of Danny screaming (as you can see him crying when he has the vision of the elevator).
- The film's final scene (Scene of the table) leaves some doubt about the meaning of seeing the protagonist, Jack in the box. Stanley Kubrick said that that person in the picture is not Jack, but his ancestor.
- Jack wrote the book that contains a single sentence (All work and no play Makes Jack literally dullboy All work and no distraction makes Jack a dull boy), but this changes depending on the country. The pages of it were written by Kubrick himself using a programmable typewriter. Spanish versions usually choose to translate the phrase "Not by much earlier wakes up early."
- The poster PPV Backlash 2007 WWE wrestler Edge's face is going through a door, such as when Jack chases Wendy with an ax.
- The Simpsons also made a parody of the film in an episode of "Night Witches" called The resplandior (according to them, to avoid paying royalties).
- In a survey in England, The Shining was voted the second scariest movie of all time, behind The Exorcist.
- The voice actors in the Spanish version were selected by Kubrick himself.
Andrea V.