viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Extraterrestrial intelligence in human evolution; Kubrick said "2001: A Space Odyssey"

An alien civilization sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from God, StanleyKubrick reveals in an interview the thesis behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, a thesisominously similar to the theory of ancient extraterrestrial astronauts that would havealtered human evolution.
"The point of an infinite and eternal universe is that everything is possible", StanleyKubrick

One of the most enigmatic films in cinema history, almost a work of alchemy, as the same mysterious black monolith which sends signals, possibly channeling cosmic intelligence information that describes in his images ... 2001: A Space Odyssey is surely one of films that has caused most diverse interpretations, scholars and fanstrying to define what is totally strange, just that of which we have no point of comparison: the alien, the encounter with radical otherness. However, the sameStanley Kubrick, in a rare interview in 1969, shines a bit with which this film is revealed as a philosopher's stone in the history of humanity and its relationship to life in the universe.

Stanley Kubrick, who died somewhat unexpectedly when he finished a film about secret societies and sex magic rituals, explains the first layer of what is his movie and in a way perhaps reveals the secret history of our life on the planet:"No, I do not care to discuss it (Odyssey 2001) at the lowest level, that is, a simple explanation of the plot. You start with a device left on Earth millions of years ago by extraterrestrial scouts observed the behavior of the Ape-men of that time and decided influence in evolutionary progesión. Then you have a second device buried in the depth of the Moon and programmed to emit a signal of the first baby steps into the universe of man, a sort of cosmic assault alarm. And finally there is a third device in the orbit of Jupiter, when the man waiting to reach the outer solar system.

"When the surviving astronaut, Bowman, finally arrives at Jupiter, the engine propels it to a field of force or stargate (dimensional portal) that leads to a journey into the inner and outer space which eventually transported to another part of the galaxy, where it is placed in a human zoo approximating a hospital terrestrial environment generated from their own dreams and imagination. In a timeless state, his life changes from adulthood to senescence and death. Reborn as being increased, a child of the stars, an angel, a superman if you want, and come back ready for the next leap forward in man's evolutionary destiny.

"This is what happens in the most basic level of the film. Since an encounter with an advanced interstellar intelligence would be incomprehensible to our terrestrial reference frames, reactions to it have elements of philosophy and metaphysics that have nothing to do with the plot itself. "

It is clear that Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, play with the idea that mankind has been inseminated and programmed by a mysterious alien civilization that we can not fully understand, that we could look divine But even in the deepest sense we could be ourselves-others. Also flirts with the idea that this cosmic intelligence that directs the evolution of mankind tests us and we introudce a kind of programmed reality or reality co-created with the participation of mental content that precibe subject, such as the astronaut who comes through the stargate a pregnancy interdimensional space of their own imaginary compound, an incubator in which transformed and reborn in divine power.

"The concept of God is at the center of the film. It was inescapable, once you think the universe is filled with advanced forms of intelligence. Just think about this a moment. There are 10 billion stars in the galaxy and 10 billion galaxies in the visible universe. Each star is a sun, like ours, probably with planets around them. The evolution of life, it is widely believed, comes as an inevitable consequence of time on a planet in an orbit not too cold or too hot. First comes chemical evolution-random recombination of primordial matter-then biological evolution.

"Think of a lifestyle that has evolved into one of these planets for hundreds of thousands of years, and think, too, that type of relatively large technological advances has made man in 6000 years of recorded civilization, a period that isUnless a single grain of sand in a sand cosmic clock. While the distant ancestors of man began to leave the primordial sea, and there must have been civilizations in the universe sends its spacecraft to explore the farthest regions of the cosmos and conquering the secrets of nature. Such cosmic intelligences, growing in knowledge for eons, man would be so distant as we are of the ants. They could be in instantaneous telepathic communication throughout the universe, could have achieved total mastery over matter and thus could be transported instantly across billions of light years of space, in its last phase could leave the physical form and there as disembodied immortal consciousness throughout the universe.

"Once you start dicutir the possibilities, you realize that the religious implications are inevitable, because all the essential attributes of such extraterrestrial intelligences are the attributes we give to God. With what we are really dealing with here is the scientific DEFINITION of God. And if these beings of pure intelligence ever involved with the affairs of man, his powers would be so remote from our understanding. How will an ant's foot crushing his ant-like action of a superior in an evolutionary scale? Or how the divine and terrible intercession of God? ".


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